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China's Magical Creatures
by Aevyn Barnett, William Maloy, Sabrina Pfeiffer, Ricky Wang, Regina Lau, Rebecca Zipper, Phuc Nguyen, Philip Lee, Patrick McDonald, Patrick Carmody, Nyjah Johnson, Lauren Padko, Kayleigh Durning, Kaitlyn Jannuzzi, Julian Goldman-Brown, Juli Mindlin, Jessica Orofino, Jennifer Cote, Jarrett Azar, Irene Keeney, Inaya Alkhatib, Hunter Sobel, Emily Leitch, Dean Schweinler, Bianca Capozzi, Anna Mirsky, Amy Attias•Student Price: FREE
Based on the course with the same name: A cultural history of the strange in pre-modern China. How did the Chinese people explain the existence of ghosts, demons, immortals, fox spirits, (maybe even unicorns) and many other strange creatures? What do the encounters between humans and these creatures...
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