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Teaching with MSTeams
by Ashlyne O'Neil, Dave Cormier, Anas Al-Chalabi, Bailey Csabai, Chris Nardone, Devin Wacheski, Elijah Annoh-Waithe, Jykee Pavo, Laura Small, Lawrence Villacorte, Lorenzo Pernasilici, Marianne Kantati, Mikayla Bornais, Mitchel Macmillan, Mohamed Eldabagh, Nafeesa Sohail, Norman Ha, Tariq Al-Rfouh, Kristen Swiatoschik•Student Price: FREE
Teaching with MSTeams prepares you to use Microsoft Teams to facilitate your online classes. It provides suggestions to ensure you have a successful online learning experience while also providing detailed instructions to implement these tips. After reviewing the various sections, you will have a we...
Turn This Book into Your Content
This book gives you the power to:
- Use the quality and relevant content as a base
- Add your own interactive and customizable online features
- Edit your material with the flexible and convenient editor
- Integrate your material with your LMS seamlessly
Ready to get started?